Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Vlogging. Yea or Nay?

I was recently seized upon by sudden and unexplainable urge to try Vlogging. What inspired me? A single YouTube video that I stumbled accross. I won't link to it because it's totally irrelevant, but essentially, it was the first and only post on a Vlog I've ever seen that wasn't a teenager trying to be deep, and adult trying to be deep, a teenager playing some piece of crap music they composed, or and adult playing some piece of crap music they composed.

But fear not - my theory that all Vloggers are annoying losers is intact. Every other entry by this particular Vlogger fit into one of the above mentioned categories.

Since equipment is not an issue, I will list the pros and cons of Vlogging, then hold a poll to decide for me.


-I can go down in history as the first non-obnoxious Vlogger. I strongly suspect there will be trophies involved.

This, only bigger

-It's easier for me to show rather than telling with video. This will delight creative writing teachers across the world.
-I could gain up to 4 viewers if I start uploading videos to YouTube. And maybe some of them won't even be other Vloggers that only comment because they want me to go watch their videos and comment too.
-It will motivate me to shave.
-I have an excuse to discriminate against people who are sitting behind really paranoid internet blockers.


-There is a chance I will lose all of my self respect. I will ask now, in advance: if I ever include a guitar or any awkward poetry in my Vlog, please hire a hit man to have me assassinated. And tell them to make it look like an accident.

Then again, she is pure unadornment

-Editing movies takes a lot of time. And hard drive space.
-What if I forget to shave?

Well. I don't know about you, but I see more pros than cons. But! Comment. Cast your ballot. I await your opinions.


  1. I vote, yes. Just slap on some Autism and you could be the next Dax Flame!!

    I will help you in this endeavor.

  2. Yes! haha Vlogging can be fun, but search engines cant index videos.

  3. Vlogging is the new black!
    I Love shaytards! ;-)
