Adventures of a Super Super Super (x50) Senior
There was once a boy called Andrew. He was pretty much a nerd, and really into photography for his school paper. One day, on a field trip or something, he was bitten by a bio-engineered super spider. The poison from the bite gave him the gift of eternal youth. He was forever frozen as a senior in High School. Coincidentally, he wasn't the greatest student academically, so he failed his graduating year 50 times. These are the tales of...
Faster than a speeding Freshman! More powerful than a Varsity Lineman! Can leap small Sophomores in a single bound! These phrases all describe Super Senior. By day, an ordinary high school student. By night, an ordinary high school student, only asleep! These are notable years of his life. Because he's the hero Highland deserves, but not the one they need right now. The hero. The Protector. The LP Knight.1952
This was the first year of his disease. He may have looked pretty slick, but trust me. He was a nerd.
Adopting somewhat of a "Dax Flame" look, Super Senior realized something was wrong when he didn't appear to have aged at all since the first time he failed high school.
After 14 years of being a senior, Andrew thought he could make people believe he was older if he grew his hair out.
This year, Super Senior tried to trick his fellow students into believing he was a professor. This ruse lasted about eight minutes.
Andrew spent a whole year trying to dance his problems away. While he became a hero on the floor, he failed to graduate.
I don't get the turtleneck either. What the heck?
Influenced by people such as Michael Jackson (note the hairstyle), Super Senior began to accept his fate. After all, Michael Jackson had an aging problem too, and he was still cool.
Andrew became one of Nirvana's first fans.
Instead of trying to drink his life away, Super Senior went for the tastier option of eating his life away, a la Big Mac.
What does the future hold for Andrew? Will he ever be normal? Will he ever pass his classes in high school? The world may never know. I'm guessing you saw Preston Hadlock's photo and went to I did too! it's awesome. Nice story :P