Monday, August 11, 2008

Essentials of EFY

Before I begin, I'll just inform you all that due to the large nature of these pictures, and the unable-to-handle-large-pictures nature of this blog, I've linked all of the pics to their larger counterparts. To blow a pic up, just click on it.

So I actually went to EFY in the third week of June, but I figured I might as well write a post about it. After all, I didn't even have a blog when I went so it's not like I had my chance and blew it. The following things are the neccesary ingredients in any successful EFY. Trust me, I'm an expert. I've been one whole time.

1. Counselors

Your counselors have to be awesome and zany. Yes, I just used the word "zany." If they are boring like some of the other companies' counselors, then your EFY experience is doomed to fail. Bad counselors at EFY are like snakes on a plane: neither of them make any sense.

Prime example: My counselor, Tyrell. When we guys first saw the note on our dorm door introducing our counselor as Tyrell, I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who pictured a huge black dude.

Not Tyrell

When he actually entered the room, the impression I got was... not quite what I expected.

Bears, Beets, Battlestar Galactica!

Yeah. Seriously. Coolest counselor since sliced bread.

2. Hot Babes

No EFY is complete without them. Don't really need to put a lot more text in the section because the following picture pretty much speaks for itself.

Pictured: Virtue

3. Sizzling Man-Hunks of Future Missionaries

Again, the picture basically speaks for itself.

"Hey baby, wanna hold the Priesthood?"

4. Foreigners

No, I'm not talking about the band (although that would make a pretty sick EFY too, I'm sure). But we had a kid from London, who we referred to as "London," and two kids from Australia, who we referred to as "the Aussies." Funny stuff that we as Americans can laugh at: they called napkins "serviettes," they had never had chocolate milk or corn dogs, and the Aussies liked something they called Vegemite.* Haha!

*May or may not cause violent hemorrhaging

5. Food

Ok so we ate like pigs at EFY. Wednesday night was pizza night and we ordered two 23" pizzas. And ate almost all of it. Nine guys.

That guy is 6'6"

But it seems like a shame not to mention how much soda we drank on Wednesday.


So that pretty much sums up everything you need to make your EFY rock beyond belief. Until next time, keep pretending your EFY was anywhere near as cool as mine.


  1. I think you forgot to mention cool room mates. If your roomies are crazy then the whole experience is a bust. One time I went and one of the girls in my dorm brought all of her Harry Potter pictures and posted them through out every room. She also wore a lot of tight plaid pants. It was a winner to say the least. Your experience sounds like a party and half though. Did you manage to have a COW? They are the cherry on top of the ice cream.

  2. Good point. Only my roommate owned so I don't have any experience with that.

    Umm... obvious. Who doesn't get a COW at EFY?

  3. I have a question for you: How do you put a youtube video on your blog? I am struggling.

  4. When you go to the YouTube video, there should be a little box that says "embed" to the right of the video, and in that box is a bunch of random looking code. Select it all, copy it all, and go to the "HTML" tab when you're composing your next blog. At the part where you want to post it, paste the code.

  5. Thank you so much! You are a life saver!

  6. I'm gonna be among the very first counselors in the very first EFY Colombia. This has gave me ideas...
