Wednesday, August 27, 2008

23 Returns

So since about 1% of you know what this blog is going to be about from the title, I'll give a little explanation. And since I feel like it, it will be in biblical form.

1 And it came to pass that in the days of the king Hill there came a boy unto the Student Council.
2 And lo, this boy was a nerd, therefore he was the tech support officer.
3 And it came to pass that Schmidtty did speak for all the people of the land when he did say that video announcements sucked and were boring, for behold, nobody watched them.
4 And thus it was that Schmidtty told the boy (his name being Andrew of Broekhuijsen) to make video announcements interesting to watch.
5 And Andrew and his friends labored much in the land, and behold, 23 was born. And there was much rejoicing, for everybody throughout the land thought it owned all.
6 But alas, during the filming of the finale, the retarded camera battery waxed weak, as a 7th grader. And thus it was that the film captured really crappily and became un-editable.
7 And because of this, the finale did fail to become aired. And there was weeping, and wailing, and gnashing of teeth, for behold, there was much sorrow and lamentation throughout the land.
8 And it came to pass that Andrew couldn't get his friends schedules to work out well enough to go back and film it. And thus did the 2006th and 2007th year pass away.

So finally, two years after it was supposed to come out, people have time to film. The finale is in production and I'll post a promo up here as soon as I get one done.

And since I'm so nice, I'll embed the ones we did finish and air back in 9th grade here. #1 got deleted somehow but it was pretty insignificant anyway, so yeah.

Episodes 2-6 (in order) follow. Notice the ridiculously long disclaimer at the beginning of episode 4. This was because the librarian got all PO'd at us after episode 3. Also notice the evolution of the titles as I got less and less lazy with my movie making:

And the special 23/Pokémon music video! Yeah, I'm that cool.

So now that you've all had that profound cinema experience, you can be excited for the finale. I'll keep everyone posted.

1 comment:

  1. After much thought, Hannah and I feel that you should be a columnist when you get old. Think about it.
