Sunday, August 3, 2008

Jumping on the Bandwagon

So here's my first post on my blog. For all of you that found my blog because Melissa linked to it or something, I should dispel any preconceived notions you may have about my blog because of hers:

1. I'm not as hilariously quirky as Melissa, though I do my best. And getting a hamburger phone is on my to do list.

2. Melissa's music tastes and mine are fairly similar, but while she likes things like Mika, Billy Joel, Josh Groban, etc., I prefer what I consider to be rather more refined music, such as Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus, the Jonas Brothers, and basically anything by a black person after the year 2000.

Pictured: Ideal band

3. I'm really pretty cynical which I try to translate into humor. Case in point: #2 of this list.

4. Melissa updates her blog like every freakin' day. I'll be lucky if I update this more than once a week once the initial novelty has worn off.

So now that everyone knows how this blog is going to roll, hopefully nobody is in for any unpleasant surprises, and/or can just quit while they're ahead and stop reading this blog after the first post.

Well, that pretty much concludes my opening post. I'll make sure to keep everyone posted (no pun intended*) on the status of my hamburger phone endeavors and if Soulja Boy ever writes a song that was as good as Crank Dat.

*Yes, that pun was definitely intended.


  1. I worry that others may not get your subtle humor, or understand the sarcasm, and may actually think you like Miley Cyrus. This thought strikes fear within my ample bosom.

  2. Lol. No worries Andrew, I understand your sarcasm. Like Melissa, I'm not sure about others, however I do get it! (for once! Woot!) Ha.. And I love that getting a hamburger phone is on your to do list. ;)
    (Oh..and fyi, just so you don't think I'm some weird, creepy stalker person, I found your blog through looking at Melissa's comments on hers!)

  3. I am thoroughly amuzed that you have decided to get a blog. Also I appreciate that you have put a link to me on there, because it makes me think that I put stuff on my blog that is worth looking at. And I think you do a fairly good job at keeping up with Melissa's humor. However, because I do not know you as well, I would only hope that you are joking when it comes to your "ideal band" because if that is true I am afraid that we just cannot be friends. Justin Timberlake for life!

  4. Bahaha! I heart Miley Cyrus and the Jonas Brothers too! Let's start a cult! Oh wait, they've already started one themselves, haven't they? Dang it. And I wanted to get personalized thermal underwear.
